
Completed: 01/09/2014
Lead Researcher: Debbie Inglis

This project is the next phase of the bud hardiness component of a larger winter injury research initiative (CanAdvance project – Evaluating Grapevine and Tender Fruit Winter Hardiness to Developing Best Environmental Practices for Using wind Machines to Reduce the Effects of Cold Injury 2005-2008) that was completed in spring 2009. Now that the measurement techniques have been developed to reliably measure bud hardiness, factors that influence bud hardiness can now be assessed to develop Best Practices Guidelines to Optimize Winter Hardiness for Grapevines.

Monitoring vine acclimation to cold using low temperature exotherms and the Tenny Freezer unit has allowed researchers to monitor the temperature at which 10%, 50% or 90% of buds were killed for 12 Vitis vinifera varieties and two hybrid varieties across Niagara. Monitoring bud hardiness throughout the dormant period has proven to be an invaluable tool to assist grape growers in managing winter injury by using the changing bud hardiness data to determine when wind machine use is warranted to protect the vines and by also understanding when, during the dormant period, bud injury occurred.

With this established and reliable measurement technique, we are now in a position to further extend this research to look at factors that optimize vine hardiness.

Read Final Report

Completed: 01/12/2012
Lead Researcher: Wendy McFadden-Smith

Female grape berry moth trap catches (as well as other biofixes, such as bloom of wild grape and male moth trap catches) and a model using degree day accumulation will be used to model the development of GBM over the season. This information will be used to fine-tune our sprays for GBM by having the most accurate estimates of moth activity. Cultural or chemical methods to change microclimate and/or canopy architecture will be evaluated for their potential to reduce GBM injury. The relationship between bunch rots and GBM injury will also be investigated.

Mating disruption is used in many vineyards in Ontario. The application of twist tie dispensers is labour intensive and may preclude wider adoption of this practice. If border applications of twist ties or a new sprayable formulation of pheromone are shown to be effective, adoption of this practice could reduce the cost of this method and could encourage wide-spread use of the technology.

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Completed: 01/04/2012
Lead Researcher: Wendy McFadden-Smith

Cultural and chemical treatments will be evaluated for their effectiveness in reducing sour rot and volatile acidity in the vineyard. Treatments to alter the architecture of the clusters, reducing berry-to-berry contact and duration of optimal conditions for infection by sour rot organisms will be evaluated in replicated trials. Chemical treatments will be applied both prophylactically and after the development of sour rot to determine their ability to prevent infection and/or to reduce volatile acidity once sour rot is established. These experiments will be repeated a second and third year to accumulate data on responses over a number of weather seasons.

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Completed: 15/01/2010
Lead Researcher: Kevin Ker

A significant challenge to the production and processing of premium grapes is the infestation by Multi Coloured Asian Lady Beetle (MALB) close to harvest. Due to the uncertainty of populations and zones of infestation many growers are left guessing whether or not to treat for MALB and if populations are high enough to warrant control. Populations of MLB are erratic with no two growing seasons having the same numbers of MALB present or cultivars impacted. Wine quality has been documented as severely affected and it has been published that the best control strategy for MALB must take place at the vineyard level

To assess MALB activity across the Niagara Region in the pre harvest and Harvest period to provide information to producers on locations of activity and to assist in determining if preventative controls are required. Information to be posted on KCMS website and brief oral message recorded each week on the GGO Crop report 905 708 6620

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Completed: 31/03/2012
Lead Researcher: Isabelle Lesschaeve

The demand for local products as well as organic or sustainable production has created a major gap in the wine market which presents a tremendous opportunity to the Ontario wine industry. In order to fill this gap and increase market share for 100% Ontario wines, it is necessary to understand consumer preferences and behaviour. There is currently a serious lack of knowledge of how Ontario consumers actually respond to the production practices and region of origin of wines they purchase and this project aims to address this. This research will combine innovative methods in sensory and consumer science and behavioural economics to determine Ontario consumers’ perceptions and preferences for buying and consuming local, organic or sustainable wines in relation to price, sensory experience, and region of origin. This will identify critical psychological and sensory factors determining consumer purchase and consumption behaviours, allowing the Ontario grape and wine sector to make informed decisions in order to deliver the products consumers want.

Read Final Report

Completed: 01/10/2010
Lead Researcher: Rebecca Hallett

A systematic approach to identify volatiles from grape during ripening that strongly attract MALB into vineyards is necessary to design effective push-pull strategies to control MALB entrance into vineyards. Dr. Rebecca Hallett from the University of Guelph has the ability to collect, separate and identify volatiles to then determine which volatiles elicit an antennal response in MALB and hence identify compounds that attract and/or repel MALB (technique called GC-EAD, see note below). In terms of repellency effects, we have speculated that potassium metabisulfite (KMS) sprayed in vineyards to control sour rot may also be having an irritant effect on insects in the vineyard based on the observed activity of fruit flies post spray. This irritant effect may prove to act as a repellant for MALB in the vineyard with no negative residual effect on wine fermentation since residual sulfur dioxide has not been reported in the juice of grapes processed from KMS-sprayed vineyards 1 day after spray application. This project will be designed to identify grape volatiles in the vineyard that strongly elicit a MALB response as well as test the repellency effect of KMS as a first step in developing a push-pull strategy to repel MALB from vineyards.

Read Final Report

Completed: 01/08/2010
Lead Researcher: Gary Pickering

Isopropylmethoxypyrazine (IPMP) has previously been identified by Gary Pickering as the causal agent of MALB taint. In comparing the IPMP levels in wines produced from fruit infested with either 7-spot or MALB, our study last year indicated both lady beetle species released similar levels of IPMP into wine. Funding is requested to complete sensory evaluation of the experimental wines to compare the taint from 7-spot lady beetle to MALB. The second part of this project is focused on juice treatment to remove lady beetle taint prior to fermentation. No fining agent has been identified to date that has the ability to remove Isopropylmethoxypyrazine (IPMP), the causal agent of MALB taint, to below sensory detection threshold (approximately 1 ng/L). However, the majority of agents tested have not been specifically targeted to bind to IPMP. Odorant binding proteins from mammals naturally bind methoxypyrazines as part of their olfaction system to assist them in finding food. An odorant binding protein (OBP) from porcine has now been identified that binds methoxypyrazines at a low pH of 3.5, close to the pH value found in grape juice. Dr. Inglis’ lab has engineered a readily available source of this protein that can now be tested for its ability to remove IPMP from tainted juice/wine. In collaboration with a colleague in the chemistry department, a delivery method to add the protein to tainted juice and remove the bound complex can be tested by trapping the protein in a silica glass bead matrix. The measurement of IPMP pre and post fining will be done in collaboration with Dr. Pickering using the lower sensitivity measurement method developed in his laboratory. This strategy of removing methoxypyrazines from juice also has applications to remove/reduce the “green” character from methoxypyrazines (mainly isobutylmethoxypyrazines) in under-ripe grapes that is often problematic in cool climate growing regions such as ours. Hence, this strategy is not only limited to remediating juice tainted by MALB and 7-spot, but also to adjust the green character in juice due to excessive levels of isobutylmethoxypyrazines (IBMP) in grapes at harvest.

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Completed: 11/20/2015
Lead Researcher: Simon Lachance

The house fly is of concern in rural and urban areas in part as it can be a nuisance to people and has the potential to spread diseases to humans. House flies may cause public health issues, loss of business income due to diminishing clientele and legal actions. As part of a larger effort to manage house flies in animal production, a project will focus on identifying reasons why house flies might be dispersing from poultry operations (sources) to the Ontario grape and wine value-added industry chain receptors: grape growers, wineries, restaurants, client neighbours, client businesses etc. and how best to mitigate the nuisance problem given that poultry operations and rural residential areas must co-exist in Ontario. This will include developing efficient outdoor sampling methods to correlate the abundance of flies at the source to receptors; identifying potential breeding and resting sites for house flies at receptors; establishing best management practices to minimize the nuisance of house flies; and estimating the potential risks of disease transmission to humans from house flies.

Flies will be captured by sticky cards at a broad range of receptors from mid-April to the end of October and identified and sexed. Correlations with densities inside and directly outside source barns will be used to determine thresholds for human nuisance.  Flies collected at receptors will be tested for the presence of Salmonella and E. coli. The percentage of bacteria positive flies and seasonal abundance of house flies will provide an estimation of the risk of bacterial transmission from some of the source barns to receptors. If pathogenic bacteria are present, bacterial resistance to antibiotics will be tested in the laboratory. Surveys of potential breeding and resting sites of house flies will be performed during peak adult fly activity periods at 25 locations, and at least at 3 grape growers, 3 wineries, 3 restaurants and 3 neighbours, within 1 km of source barns, by visual observations and counts of adult flies on organic substrates and structural surfaces.

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Completed: 31/10/2013
Lead Researcher: BLOOM

Given the crucial role of water in winemaking and the subsequent generation of wastewater, a need has been identified to support Ontario wineries with successfully solving their current and emerging wastewater issues.  Given the broad variation in the operations and organizational capacity of individual winery operations, there are challenges across the sector associated with understanding wastewater issues, relevant solutions and adoption approaches.

This project is focused on consolidating and transferring the knowledge necessary to build capacity of wineries to address priority water and wastewater challenges within the sector through actionable solutions that provides business value for the winery.

Read Final Report

Project Completed
Lead Researcher: Adam Dale

This project will develop viticulture best practices, to support the grape and wine industry in the Ontario South Coast region as it addresses performance of vines in sandy soils in relation to drought stress, and climate change. Rootstocks adapt grafted vines to site conditions. The project objectives will be addressed in two ways: 1. Riparia vines growing in the area (adapted to the area) will be evaluated as rootstocks.  2. The best available rootstocks will be evaluated through trials in the proposed DVA.

1. A large collection of rootstock material (900 plants) will be screened using plant characteristics that are linked to drought tolerance, to identify 40 candidate rootstocks. Proline assay technology will be used to reduce the number of genotypes from 40 to a 10 for further assessment. These ten selected genotypes will be tested for their acute drought resistance in controlled environments at 3 different drought levels. These trials will be repeated over three years.  A second series of trials with these same 10 rootstocks will assess how well they support grafted “Pinot Noir” scions. Performance of rootstocks will be assessed through Pinot Noir vine health, vigor, fruit quality and production. The morphological, biochemical (proline content) and physiological characteristics of the rootstocks together with the Pinot Noir scion performance will be used to rank the ten Riparia rootstocks. Knowledge of level of drought stress tolerance will be valuable complimentary information to growers.

2. This project will implement field trials of 4 vinifera grapes (selected from the Varietal Plan of the Grape Growers of Ontario), grafted onto 4 commercial rootstocks. These trials will assess the vines for their performance, including yield and fruit quality in five different sites in Ontario.

Read Final Report

Project Completed
Lead Researcher: Baozhong Meng

In this project, there are four main objectives: (1). To establish and validate nucleic acid-based methodologies [reverse transcription (RT)-PCR and quantitative RT-PCR (RT-qPCR)] for the detection of important grapevine viruses individually and in a multiplex format;  (2). Production of highly specific antibodies for use in serological detection of four major grape viruses;  (3). To develop and validate serology-based methodologies (dot-ELISA) for the detection of these viruses individually and in a multiplex format; and (4). To compare and evaluate the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of both of these methods for the detection of the target viruses and to transfer the technologies for adoption for large-scale applications. 

There is potential for a significant return from this project as the technologies developed will greatly enhance productivity, quality, sustainability, and international competitiveness of Ontario grape and wine industries through the implementation of clean stock programs.  The technologies aimed at being developed in this project are a central piece for many research and development projects related to the clean stock and mitigation programs pertaining to viruses and viral diseases of grapes.

Read Final Report

Project Completed
Lead Researcher: Chrystel Olivier/Lorne Stobbs

Grapevine red blotch associated virus (GRBaV) has been designated as a serious virus disease of grapevine due its impact on fruit quality and grapevine health. Very little is known about its epidemiology, except that the virus is graft-transmissible and can be transmitted from grapevine to grapevine by the Virginia creeper leafhopper under laboratory conditions. In this project, it is proposed that researchers will identify the leafhopper species in Niagara, Prince Edward County, and south-western Ontario vineyards during the summer and fall of 2014 and to investigate the GRBaV vectoring ability of up to 5 leafhopper species. Leafhoppers will be collected in commercial vineyards in the Niagara region, using sweeping nets and sticky traps. Collected leafhoppers will be identified and counted, providing information on the prevalence and geographical distribution of leafhopper species in vineyards. All collected leafhoppers will also be tested for the presence of GRBaV using molecular (PCR) tests to identify potential leafhopper vectors. Laboratory transmission assays will be run on the most prevalent GRB-positive leafhopper species, to determine if those species can transmit GRB from grapevine to grapevine.

Read Final Report

Completed: 11/30/2021
Lead Researcher: Dr. Jim Willwerth, Dr, Belinda Kemp and Dr. Debbie Inglis, CCOVI, Brock Univeristy 

This research program will examine ways to improve vine health, consistency, quality and sustainability across key VQA approved varieties. It will address common issues that lead to inconsistent vine performance such as winter injury, disease, poor fruit maturation, stress, poor yields and excess vigour through both short term and long term projects. Short term objectives will include the use of proper viticulture decisions to help deal with inconsistent/underperforming varieties that are currently in production. This includes optimizing cultural practices such as leaf removal to achieve quality relative to wine style (i.e. still wine vs. sparkling wine) as well as identifying/evaluating different clones and rootstocks of core varieties currently in production to improve consistency among our core V. vinifera varieties. Long term objectives will include the establishment of formal clone/rootstock adaptation trials similar to other grape growing regions around the world by assessing vine performance and wine quality based on Ontario’s climate and soil profiles. The results of these trials can be used for selection of material for a national clean plant program. This also includes investigating new Canadian clonal selections from Ontario vineyards to reduce reliability on foreign importation of genetic material. The ultimate goal is to have clean plant material that is well suited to our climatic conditions, improve consistent production and quality, and address the issue of our changing climate with respect to production challenges. Results from this program will allow our industry to make informed choices for future plantings to reduce risk, increase profitability, and match site to variety and consumer preference over the long term.

Please contact OGWRI for access to final report

In June 2018, the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada announced $8.4 million to fund the Canadian Grape and Wine Science Cluster. 

The Canadian Grapevine Certification Network (CGCN) administered the Canadian Grape and Wine Science Cluster, under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership AgriScience funding program and OGWRI is providing the industry cash for all Ontario led research activities within the cluster. 

Research activities within the cluster ended in 2023, with final report summaries listed below. Details on Ontario led activities can be found here. For additional information on the cluster, please visit the CGCN website. 

Below are descriptions of the 5 Ontario led research activities

Activity 3 - Grapevine virus disease and vector control - Wendy McFadden-Smith

Survey Ontario vineyards for rate of incidence of leafroll and red blotch virus; determine rate and mode of transmission; evaluate vector populations and role; investigate impact on plant physiology and fruit quality, develop mitigation strategy for vector control

View the final Activity 3 project summary HERE.

Activity 7 - Grapevine evaluation and cold hardiness program to ensure superior plant material for CGCN and to imrpove the sustainability of the Canadian grape and wine industry - Jim Willwerth

  1. Evaluate grapevine material for performance, cold tolerance and quality and improve the sustainability of the entire Grape and Wine Industry;

  2. Assist with selection of superior plant material for the Canadian Grapevine Certification Network as well as future plantings across Ontario.

View the final Activity 7 project summary HERE.

Activity 12 - TanninAlert: Improving Canadian red wine quality and consumer acceptance through winemaking techniques by grape variety and tannin level - Debbie Inglis 

The main objective of this project is to improve Canadian red wine quality by ensuring grape phenolic ripeness is incorporated into harvest decisions. Scientific knowledge for the Canadian wine industry regarding tannin concentrations in seeds and skins of varieties specific to wine style will be acquired. This will result in red winemaking guidelines tailored to tannin concentrations from the grape tannin database. The program will initially start to build a database in Ontario, but once established, will be extended to the rest of Canada.

View the final Activity 12 project summary HERE.

Activity 14 - Improving sparkling and still wine quality: preventing high VA, honey-off flavours and other faults that reduce wine quality though natural Canadian indigenous yeast isolates - Belinda Kemp

The overall objectives of this project will serve to identify if two “sweet/honey” off-flavours from ethyl phenylacetate (EPhA) and phenylacetic acid (PhAA) are present in Ontario Pinot noir grapes as a result of sour rot infection as well as in sparkling and still wines fermented from those grapes; test consumer acceptance of the compounds in red and sparkling wines; and test if natural indigenous yeast isolates from Canadian vineyards can remove the compounds along with acetic acid. Furthermore, a natural yeast isolated from an Ontario vineyard will be trialed for commercial scale red wine production.

 2021 CCOVI Sour Rot Outeach Brief 

View the final Activity 14 project summary HERE.

Activity 18 - Mitigation of infestations of multi-coloured Asian lady beetle in Ontario vineyards - Wendy McFadden-Smith

  1. Evaluate effectiveness of alternatives for managing Multicoloured Asian Ladybeetle (MALB) infestation using repellants such as potassium metabisulfite, kaolin clay and botanical extracts;

  2. Evaluate the efficacy of the optical sorter on harvesters for removing MALB in the vineyard;

  3. Develop best management practices for managing MALB in Ontario vineyards

View the final Activity 18 project summary HERE.

Project Completed
Lead Researcher: Dr. Jim Willwerth, CCOVI and Dr. Sue Abrams, University of Saskatchewan

Freeze tolerance in grapevines is the most limiting factor for grape production in Ontario and Canada.  Cold or freeze injury is the greatest threat to the success and sustainability of the grape and wine sector and the threat will likely worsen as more erratic weather becomes more common with climate change.  New innovative approaches can help reduce cold injury and allow growers to continue to enjoy the successes of producing world class V.vinifera grapes in Ontario. 

Abscisic acid (ABA) is a plant hormone that is involved in many plant processes.  One of the key roles of ABA is mediating the adaptation of plants to stress (drought, salinity, freeze).  Some of its key functions include leaf abscission, induction and maintenance of dormancy, growth control, as well as regulation of water loss in the plant.  Exogenous ABA applications to grapevines can hasten fruit maturation, improve yield and fruit quality, and induce leaf abscission/dormancy to name a few.

ABA or synthetic ABA analog application may be a novel and practical way to improve cold hardiness in grapevines without negatively impacting fruit composition or quality.  A plant growth regulator like ABA may prove very beneficial in optimizing cold hardiness in grapevines especially in Ontario’s climate where cool and wet fall periods can delay cold hardiness.  Furthermore, ABA application may also delay deacclimation which could result in less freeze damage associated with sporadic warming and freezing events during dormancy. 

Click here to read the final report

Project Competed 
Lead Researcher: Dr. Wendy McFadden-Smith, OMAFRA

The distribution of grapevine red blotch disease in red and white vinifera as well as hybrid variety blocks in the major grape growing areas will be determined using a medium-density sampling procedure.  These data will be related by GIS to scion variety and clone, rootstock, vine age and source. A final report will not be publicly available due to confidentiality. Please contact Eleanor Hawthorn at 905-688-0990 ext. 229 for additional information. 

Project Completed
Lead Researcher: Dr. Won-Sik Kim

Grapevine red blotch-associated virus (GRBaV) is a plant pathogen that has recently been found to be affecting grapevines, causing grapevine red blotch disease.  GRBaV was first identified in 2011 by two independent groups in the United States – one in California and one at Cornell University. GRBaV has since been detected in vines from eight different states (California, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Virginia) within the United States.  Recently, GRBaV has been found to be spreading into Canada, and has been detected in vines in both Ontario and British Columbia.  There are also some recent indications that the virus is spreading outside of North America, as GRBaV was reported on a grapevine in South Korea and its sequence was deposited in Genbank. 

GRBaV has been confirmed in both red and white grape varieties.  Disease symptoms in red varieties include reddening of regions within leaf blades, as well as red veins and petrioles; however, diseased leaves can also remain green.  Disease symptoms in white varieties include subtle-to-obvious chlorotic regions within leaf blades.  Red blotch disease can result in delayed fruit maturity, uneven ripening or failure to ripen, as well as a significant reduction in berry sugar content, therefore having significant economic impacts on the grape and wine industries.  Red blotch disease shares many symptoms that are easily confused with grapevine leafroll disease, including reddening of leaves and leaf curling, thereby making any visual diagnosis difficult.  Furthermore, symptoms of read blotch may fail to show at all and not all leaves on symptomatic vines show similar levels of symptoms. 

It is currently not known how the virus is spread in vineyards, however there are some studies that suggest the vector is a flying insect. The use of contaminated rootstock materials for propagation can also allow for the easy introduction of the virus into new vineyards, and makes the eradication of the virus extremely difficult.   GRBaV is known to infect several grape varieties grown in the Niagara Region, including Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Petit Verdot.  Continuously increasing production and the demand for grapes and grape-derived products in the Niagara Region has led to a focus on increasing efforts to eradicate grapevine-affecting pathogens and disease.  It is particularly important to focus on the detection and management of newly emerging pathogens.  Therefore, it is extremely important that the Niagara Region has access to a highly sensitive, specific, inexpensive and rapid method of detection for GRBaV.  

The current gold standard for the detection of GRBaV is a qPCR assay performed by commercial labs.  However, there are issues with this method as it has been found to lack sensitivity and consistency.  Using PCR-based methods for the detection of viruses in grapevines is often difficult, due to high levels of polysaccharides and polyphenolic compounds found in plant tissues, and also due to the often low titer of virus found in hosts.  For example, some recent studies with GRBaV have found that the virus titer can fluctuate significantly between samples taken from different parts of an infected plant, leading to false-negative results in some cases. 

The focus of this project is therefore to develop a novel and robust method to allow for the sensitive detection of GRBaV from grapevines.  Our working hypothesis is that the isolation of clean, inhibitor-free DNA from the plant is the essential first step in reliable detection.  A robust isolation method should be able to overcome the issues associated with high levels of contaminants or low virus titer that are plaguing the currently available detection methods.  Furthermore, we believe that the sampling of the grapevine and the handling of the sample will also have a significant impact on reliable detection.  Therefore, there are 3 main objectives of this project: 1) develop and validate a PCR-based molecular detection system for GRBaV detection; 2) develop and validate a robust DNA isolation method that will work on all the different grape varieties grown in the Niagara Region to isolate high quality, inhibitor-free DNA even from low titer samples; 3) standardize the sampling of the grapevines, including where to take the samples from and how to store the samples prior to DNA purification. 

Read Final Report


Lead Researcher: Dr. Andrew Reynolds


1. Quantify odor-active compounds in Cabernet franc and Cabernet Sauvignon wines produced from numerous frozen leaf and petiole additions made in 2017.

2. Quantify odor-active compounds in Cabernet franc wines produced from three yeast strains and a subset of the aforementioned leaf and petiole treatments in 2017 and 2018.

3. Quantify odor-active compounds in Cabernet franc wines produced from five mechanical harvest treatments in 2017 and 2018.

4. Conduct descriptive sensory analysis of leaf/petiole treatments (2016, 2017 vintages), yeast treatments (2017, 2018), and mechanical harvest treatments (2017, 2018).

5. Conduct basic analysis of all 2016-2018 wines—including pH, TA, ethanol, anthocyanins, phenols, and color. Also, conduct high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) on the wines to ascertain which anthocyanin and phenolic compounds are impacted by leaf/petiole additions, yeast strains, and mechanical harvest treatments.

6. Ascertain whether monoterpenes in wines with floral taint may be derived from glycosides residing in not just leaves and petioles but also fruit that has undergone a freeze episode (2018-2019 vintages).

7. Ascertain whether brief freezing episodes reduce or eliminate methoxypyrazines in Cabernet franc and Cabernet Sauvignon wines, as per anecdotal experience (2018-2019 vintages).

Lead Researcher: Dr. Belinda Kemp and Dr. Gary Pickering

The Ontario wine industry has shown remarkable growth in sparkling wine volume and quality in the last several years. However, it has reached a stage where greater understanding of market needs and sensitivities is required to maximize the value of existing production and to inform the next stage of development. This starts with understanding more fully consumer perception of the product. For instance, how well are these wines perceived as good value for money, and does this vary with wine style (e.g. young fruit-driven vs long cellar aged Champagne-like wines)? How important are each of the varied production methods used in Ontario (e.g. Traditional Champagne style, Charmat/tank method, forced carbonation) to consumer preference and willingness-to-pay? When considering purchase behavior, what is the relative importance of endorsement by friends, LCBO recommendations, tastings, winery visits, etc.? Additionally, the current positioning and marketing of Ontario sparkling wines are perceived by some industry commentators as lacking a coherent and integrated regional focus and brand identity; greater consumer insight is needed to assist with these questions.

These considerations inform this project, which is structured in two phases. Phase I seeks to determine how Ontario consumers perceive her sparkling wines, and what the extrinsic drivers are that influence preference and willingness-to-pay for the product. Phase II builds on these findings to develop a range of mock wine labels to allow identification of the key label elements that will help to optimize the branding and purchase intent for our sparkling wines. This Phase will draw on the approach and success of the Thomas and Pickering (2003) study* which helped optimize wine label elements for New Zealand consumers.

Read final report

Lead Researcher: Dr. Jim Willwerth, Dr. Sudarsana Poojari and Dr. Suzanne Abrams 

This project will be a continuation of research projects concerning ABA analogs (OGWRI #001700) as well as directly linked to the AAFC grape cluster project.  It is a collaboration with 3 different scientists of varying expertise (viticulturist, plant hormone chemist, and virologist) to understand how ABA analogs can be used as a mitigation strategy by grape growers to deal with Grapevine Red Blotch virus and freeze injury.

Abscisic acid (ABA) is a plant hormone that is involved in many plant processes. One of the key roles of ABA is mediating the adaptation of plants to stress (drought, salinity, freeze). Some of its key functions include leaf abscission, induction and maintenance of dormancy, growth control, berry development, as well as regulation of water loss in the plant. Exogenous ABA applications to grapevines can hasten fruit maturation, improve yield and fruit quality, and induce leaf abscission/dormancy to name a few. The overall goal of this study is to use exogenous ABA and ABA analogue applications to mitigate the effects of Grapevine Red Blotch Virus (GRBV) and climate change with respect to fruit quality and cold hardiness while gaining further insight on how ABA analogs, GRBV, and their interactions impact grapevine physiology.

Read the final report here

Read the GGO August Research Spotlight here

Lead Researcher: Dr. Debbie Inglis

With the changing market dynamics for Ontario wine sale outlets, with locations now in supermarkets, non-LCBO stores, and the LCBO, there is increased competition for domestic wines to maintain and gain market share. Along with these challenges, both producers and consumers want good quality white and red wines at a competitive price (approx. $10-12 range). Ontario has an opportunity to improve the quality performance on an oenological basis of its dominant white hybrid Vidal and to investigate the potential for an up and coming red hybrid, Marquette, which is seeing increased interest from growers and wineries.

OGWRI is aware that the Vidal variety is a hardier white variety in comparison to Vitis vinifera varieties where it survives the erratic cold temperature swings of winter months in the Niagara Peninsula and continues to be a fruitful producer year in and year out. With this stability in production, it offers assurances to grape growers of a crop and income in less than ideal winters where Vitis vinifera varieties suffer damage. We hypothesize that the market demand for Vidal table wine could be improved through oenological treatments to make a more competitive, desirable product for the consumer and to compete with foreign imports in this lower price range category. A handful of producers in Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia have trialed (in non- replicated, inhouse experiments) lower crop levels, varying maturation levels of the fruit and different yeast strains to produce Vidal wines with an improved aromatic quality of volatiles that appear to be similar to volatile thiols of Sauvignon blanc.

Recently, CCOVI was approached to set up a scientific evaluation of varying factors that could improve the expression of Vidal character in table wine and improve its market preference with consumers using the new CFI/OGWRI funded research winery currently being installed in CCOVI with consumer preference performed at Vineland Research and Innovation Centre.

This proposal will vary crop load of Vidal, maturity level via Brix at harvest, and test three yeast strains during fermentation to vary the aromatic profile of Vidal for a total of 12 treatments, each fermented in triplicate. Preference testing of the resultant wines will be conducted with a consumer panel to determine treatments with the highest consumer appeal and willingness to pay.

Marquette is a hardy red hybrid that has gained interest across Canada and is proposed to be a VQA Ontario approved variety. Recently, an Ontario Marquette won gold at the 2018 San Francisco international wine competition and earned honours at the 2017 InterVin wine awards. To gain cursory insights on the potential consumer appeal for Marquette, a consumer preference study of commercial Marquette wine will be conducted. Commercially made Ontario Marquette wines will be compared to other red hybrid and Vitis vinifera red wines in the $10-12 range. Determination of preference drivers would guide future research related to optimization of viticultural and oenological practices for quality, entry level Ontario wines with consumer appeal and willingness to pay. 

Read the Final Report Executive Summary

Read the GGO May Research Spotlight here

Lead Researcher: Dr. Sudarsana Poojari 

Viruses and virus-like agents cause significant economic losses in grapevine production systems worldwide. Although more than 70 viruses, viroids, and phytoplasmas are reported to infect grapevines, only a few diseases cause severe economic losses. It is important to note that mixed infection of viruses is common in grapevines in natural conditions.  Existing nucleic acid-based diagnostic tests are very sensitive and specific to each virus and hence requires time and would prove expensive if testing for a large number of viruses in a single sample. The availability of Next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms provides an opportunity for a broad-spectrum detection of viruses with less time and more sensitivity in comparison to tradition PCR or serological techniques. Certain agronomically important grapevine viruses with natural genomic variants could escape the traditional PCR or serological based diagnostics and NGS provide the comprehensive report on the health status of given planting material (Poojari et al 2013; Kesanakurti P 2016).

Developing a single test that can detect all known non-regulated grapevine viruses, including those of economic importance to the industry, could be more cost-effective than the traditional methods if new technologies were exploited. An ideal NGS-based multiplex diagnostic assay (NGS-MA) would combine the sensitivity, specificity, and flexibility of nucleic acid diagnostics with the speed and ease of traditional methods. The advancements in NGS technologies with the recent introduction of bench-top NGS instruments like iseq100 (Illumina) coupled with targeted amplification (Brinkmann A, 2017) techniques provides unique opportunities to lower the cost of the NGS for comprehensive detection of virus infection in a given sample. We propose to develop an NGS-MA diagnostic method capable of detecting a large number of non-regulated reported grapevine viruses in a single reaction with high accuracy and adaptability to large scale diagnostics that would help strengthen domestic certification standards.

Read the Final Report here

Lead Researcher: Kathryn Carter, OMAFRA

Vineyard fertilization practices aim to provide an adequate supply of available soil nutrients to ensure optimum grapevine growth, yields and quality. However, potassium is a nutrient that usually limits grape production in Ontario, as it is often limited in its availability (Alliance(VQA) 2012).  Excess potassium in fruit will raise the pH in the wineand lower its acidity, which affects taste and wine stability.

Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has potassium fertilizer guidelines based on ammonium acetate extractable soil test potassium for establishing new vineyards but not for established vineyards. Consequently, potassium management decisions for established vineyards are made by combining potassium soil tests with annual petiole analysis (taken mid-August to mid-September).  Improved potassium management decisions could be arrived at through a better understanding of a soil-landscape model using soil survey information, the relationships between soil properties, soil test potassium, the soil’s potassium supplying ability and annual petiole analysis. 

 In a previous research project, funded by NPFVGA,  Dr. Richard Heck, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph and Christoph Kessel, OMAFRA Soil Fertility Specialist (Horticulture) (2014) found that although the relationship between soil test and percent petiole potassium was weak, it could be improved by taking soil samples at 0-15 and 15-30 cm depths and also by considering soil texture (coarse, medium and fine) and drainage regimes.

The goal of this project is conduct further research to evaluate the relationship between soil test and petiole Potassium to improve fertilizer recommendations resulting in beneficial impacts on vine health and fruit quality. In addition data will be collected to evaluate the impact of K levels in petioles on bud hardiness, juice quality and crop yields.

Read the Final Report here

Read the GGO October Research Spotlight here

Lead Researcher: Dr. Ping Liang

This project aims to perform large-scale genotyping of all common grapevine cultivars in Canada. Specifically, we will collect the leaf samples for all common grapevine cultivars grown in Ontario vineyards with representative cultivars also covering hybrids and root stocks. In addition, we will include all additional cultivars owned by the Canadian Grapevine Certification Network (CGCN) housed at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Clean Plant Program greenhouse facilities at Sydney, British Columbia. We expect to collect a total of ~100 grapevine samples with duplicates for some common cultivars from multiple regions/vineyards and some representing known different clones of the same cultivars. We will then extract DNA from these samples and perform genotyping using our newly developed grapevine genetic test protocol. The genotype data of these samples will be compiled into a computer database, and customized computer software will be developed to process the genotype data and compare with the existing genotype data in the database to provide the cultivar level identification of newly genotyped samples or the closest cultivar if no exact cultivar match can be found.

The end product of this project is a computer database and software that supports a grapevine cultivar true-to-type testing service in Canada for grape growers, nurseries, breeders or researchers at a lower cost with easy accessibility. This will address the current challenges associated with the high cost and cumbersome procedures of sending samples across international borders for grapevine true-to-type testing due to the lack of such service in Canada.

Read the Final Report Summary

Completed March 31st, 2024

Lead Researcher: Dr. Sudarsana Poojari

The production of high-quality virus-free planting material of grapevines and their maintenance play a significant role in the sustainability of the grape and wine sector. Having access to meristem-propagated virus-free material would create opportunities in domestic and global trading for Canada, benefiting growers, nursery owners, custom propagators and academic researchers in viticultural and breeding programs. The propagation of grapevines via meristem shoot tip tissue culture approaches has been successfully applied for selected Vitis vinifera genotypes (Khan et al., 2015; Different protocols are recommended for different clones of grapevine varieties as the degree of growth response and success rate of tissue culture plants is highly dependent on the genotype, culture environment, culture medium and hormonal treatment. It is critical to develop new protocols for grape varieties of regional and national importance.

The Canadian Grapevine Certification Network (CGCN-RCCV) incorporated in 2017 with a mandate of supporting the sustainable supply of virus-free planting material for domestic use. To enter into CGCN’s certification program, any new variety or clone typically needs to enter though a varietal submission request, which then undergoes a number of tests and/or meristem tissue culture propagation as per the CGCN standards at the Plant Virus Diagnostic Facility of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), Sydney, BC. Although CGCN-RCCV has more than 50 grapevine scion varieties in the repository, the access to rootstock varieties is limited and this is a single source repository. If anything were to happen to material in this single repository, all germplasm would be lost.

We propose to use the existing state-of-the-art facilities at the Cairns’ Bioscience Complex, Brock University (tissue culture units, phytotron and growth chambers) to establish a second repository in Ontario. This second repository would not only maintain the existing 50+ varieties in the CGCN certification program, but also serve as a germplasm repository for new scion material and rootstock. The clean plant center at Brock would support and strengthen CFIA’s germplasm repository in Sidney, BC. In addition, we propose to develop virus-free micro propagation protocols for novel grapevine rootstocks and scion varieties of regional importance.

View the OFVC 2023 poster here.